Monday, 7 October 2013

Review: Super Robot Wars (taisen) J

All of you super robot fans and enthusiast may have know this game, from the GBA platform comes SRW J!

This Release in the SRW series in GBA has few surprises for mech fans! specially in he gundam department like. Sadly there are only two gundam series that was included in this game but all I can say from those two series It packs a lot of GUNDAM ACTION!

Now what Gundam Series are those two?
SRW J included Gundam Seed and Mobile Fighter G Gundam, YES you heard It right super robot wars j has the hit gundam sensation Gundam Seed and Mobile Fighter G Gundam. You can enjoy the game with Athrun, Kira, and the unsinkable assault warship ArcAngel, together with Domon and the rest of the Shuffle Alliance are also there, even with few gundam series included there would still a lot of Gs that you can choose use on your game!

The game also includes mechs from:
FULL METAL PANICs M9s and the ARX8 ARBALEST with its Lambda Driver
Martian Successor Nadesico and the aestivalis
Layzner and the rest of the SPTs
Brain Powered
Mazinger Z
Voltes V
Combatler V

You can actually play the game either through you GBA or if you have ROM emulators on your PC this game is yours to play!

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